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12 Mar'12

Disable ActiveX warning for local web pages in Internet Explorer 9

Go to Internet options and switch to tab Advanced:


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12 Mar'12

Restore Ubuntu GRUB after Windows 8 installation

Use this package to recover:

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11 Mar'12

Django soft image thumbnail replacement

Using new template tag, you’re now free to cache images before rolling out new design and avoid heavy load (maybe via random call)!

<img src="{{img.url|thumb:"500x500"%}" />

{% if rand % 10 }
{with newthumb=img.newthumb %}}

or <!-- {{img.url|thumb:"500x580"%} -->

{% endif %}

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08 Feb'12

Nonblocking console input in Python

By Nemesis Fixx:

import sys
import select
import tty
import termios
from threading import Thread

program_run = True
input_thread_timeout = 0.005 #seconds
quit_key = '\x1b' # x1b is ESC

#check stdin for input...
def isData():
        return[sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([sys.stdin], [], [])

#check n terminate program on terminal condition,
#from a separate thread
class waitOnInput(Thread):
    def run(self):
        old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
            global program_run
            thread_run = True
            while thread_run:
                if isData():
                    c =
                    if c == quit_key:
                        thread_run = False
                        program_run = False
            termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
            thread_run = False

t …

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07 Feb'12


DAA is a PowerISO type of image. To mount it with Daemon Tools, use DAA 2 ISO tool first

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28 Jan'12

Make Powershell and Python friends

Problem: when python script is invoked inside powershell shell, cmd window gets open, output is done inside cmd and then it closes.

Solution: inside %USER%\WindowsPowershell\profile.ps1

function django-admin {python (gcm | resolve-path) $args}
function manage {python (gcm .\ | resolve-path) $args}

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05 Jan'12

Widget problem on Android

If you expect the widget, and it’s missing in the list, move the app to the phone memory.

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