11 Mar'12
Django soft image thumbnail replacement
Using new template tag, you’re now free to cache images before rolling out new design and avoid heavy load (maybe via random call)!
<img src="{{img.url|thumb:"500x500"%}" /> {% if rand % 10 } {with newthumb=img.newthumb %}} or <!-- {{img.url|thumb:"500x580"%} --> {% endif %}
05 Mar'12
Django fails with DEBUG=False on production
First, be sure to eliminate this issue: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4975210
Next, enable logging of all events. That will save you plenty of time.
Next, be sure to include both 404.html and 500.html in the root of your templates’ folder. See here and here for details.
If you are using nginx, be sure to include correct fastcgi configuration file: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/django/9093/ (post before the last). Fairly equal to http://serverfault.com/a/229188. But extensive configuration http://stackoverflow.com/a/605196 didn’t work for me.
05 Mar'12
MySQL with Django on Debian
First, install MySQL driver for Python:
sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
Next, modify your config of MySQL: http://dba.stackexchange.com/a/8289
If you’ve already messed up the install, you can either drop/create database from scratch, or apply the following script to every table of your DB:
Alternative mirgation path: http://docs.joomla.org/Convert_a_MySQL_database_to_UTF-8
22 Feb'12
django default manager
You can add a manager to all models of some type if you subclass an abstract model which declares a manager.
For example, you can declare ugcModel with publication status and published_items manager.
Link: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/managers/#custom-managers-and-model-inheritance