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05 Feb'12

Emacs Tex Mac

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05 Feb'12

Apache behind Nginx

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install apache2 emacs
apache conf: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
nginx conf: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

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04 Feb'12


Yesterday I created a new blog, LatteMatica to unveil and tackle difficulties which users of Latex and Mathematica face every day!

So the next idea was to combine all the knowledge in one place, so all paths lead to wikipedia. To create own wiki, you need

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28 Jan'12

Make Powershell and Python friends

Problem: when python script is invoked inside powershell shell, cmd window gets open, output is done inside cmd and then it closes.

Solution: inside %USER%\WindowsPowershell\profile.ps1

function django-admin {python (gcm | resolve-path) $args}
function manage {python (gcm .\ | resolve-path) $args}

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23 Jan'12

Markdown image handling in Django

It’s an interesting question: how to deal with images in django admin which claims to be hardly extensible.

The default package comes with markdown integration, which could be easily installed by obtaining python-markdown from your favorite package manager.

Next, we should attach images to the record. We’ll do that by embedding special model of entry-specific image. To do the markdown, we need to have images’ paths or reference them in some way. The spec says we can invoke reference by ![][ref_id] and then it’ll be substituted.

def get_markdown(self):
    # create instance of Markdown class (note capital "M …

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15 Jan'12

Rio movie

Your heart will lead you into the fascinating story you’ve never imagined!

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12 Jan'12

Курт Кобейн

“Во мне больше нет страсти, поэтому помните: лучше сгореть, чем угаснуть. мир, любовь, сострадание.”

-Курт Кобейн

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11 Jan'12

PyOpenCl on x64 system

UPD: I found unofficial binary builds here:, use x86 builds.

Do not forget to install pytools.

I’ve been into some difficulties since i began installing that software, even with help of

First, easy_install won’t work on x64 systems if installed by executable installer. Instead, use which will determine the correct version of the software.

Next, install numpy.

finally, i’ve got a problem with module compilation. Let’s split it into two problems:

  1. wrong path to vcvarsall.bat (try to add …

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07 Jan'12


Impressive movie if you think about sense of life, productivity, decision making… turns to be that not taking risk is more dangerous than not to take a risk.

Somewhat expected happy-end is just a bit boring, but is setting positive reaction.

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05 Jan'12

Firearms laws

In Mexico, crime is rife. And the firearm law is one of the most severe.

Ukraine has lower crime level, somewhat similar gun licensing.

In the US you are free to buy a weapon and many states would issue a concealed carry permit. That leads to much lower crime rates than in aforementioned countries.

In Switzerland, you may own a full-auto rifle, shoot in all cantons freely. The crime level does nothing to correlate with firearm law.

In the opposite, use of firearms gives assault more protection.

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