14 Jun'13
Moving from Jekyll to Octopress
Hi again. Today I can proudly say that I was productively procrastinating! As you might know, my “Deep dive into Linux” journey has just began and today it saved me at least few hours.
While cleaning up my 1TB drive residing inside my desktop to make sure that all junk is removed whereas all important files are properly backed up to the cloud, I noticed that inside my old website folder there were at least 7 backup archives which were almost identical. They were consuming a lot of space and since going to the university I’ve being actively using …
Category: jekyll
14 Jun'13
mkpost for Jekyll
In order to speedup post creation, I found and improved a simple Ruby script:
require 'date'
require 'time'
puts 'What would you like to write about?'
article_title = gets
slug = article_title.downcase.strip.gsub(' ', '-')
current_date = Date.today.to_s
current_time = Time.now
filename = current_date + '-' + slug + '.md'
File.open("_posts/"+filename, "w") do |post|
post.write("layout: post\n")
post.write("title: #{article_title}")
post.write("date: #{current_time}\n")
puts 'Created new file here: _/posts/'+filename
# fire up sublime text
system("subl '_posts/#{filename}' &")
Category: jekyll