25 Dec'13
Creating shortcut function in Fabric to create a Pelican draft
I migrated from Wordpress to Pelican few month ago and so far I was satisfied with it, mainly because my demands to the blogging platform are far lower than one might imagine. But as atrue engineer, I always strive to eliminate any duplication in code or in actions.
For this reason I’ve created one more Fabric function that creates a draft for me, properly setting the date and slug for me:
drafts_path = 'content/drafts/'
def draft(title):
from datetime import date
from time import strftime, gmtime
from unidecode import unidecode
import re
from subprocess import call
today_iso = date.today …
Category: 2013
10 Aug'13
Rename all *.rst files in a directory according to their date
- add verbose mode
- move awk output into variable and test if file already begins with a date
for f in $(find ./content/ -name '*.rst'); do
name=$(basename "$f")
dd=$(dirname "$f")
d="$dd/$(cat "$f" | grep ':date:' | awk '{print $2}')-$name"
if [ ! -f "$d" ]; then
mv "$f" "$d"
echo "File '$d' already exists! Skiped '$f'"
Category: 2013
14 Jun'13
VIM %crazy%
Well, I have a very simple use-case: I just copied a chunk of text and it contains line numbers. Can vim handle it??
:%normal 2x
Category: 2013